So what are you doing?..

This is something I get asked a lot since I was made redundant. There are so many ways I could answer: I’m taking some time out to assess my options, full time parenting, home management, housework, writing, writing, writing, dreaming, scheming, planning. But I never feel my answer is adequate, or even sometimes acceptable. This is what I’d like them to know…

You ask me how I fill my time.

I say

Time fills me.

It fills me with the capacity to share your moments; with the scope to make puddings from the autumn abundance of apples; with the slack to snuggle on the sofa with my children; with space in my brain for thought to ripen and thrive; and to linger when the world has radiance to show me.

I will not give you a list of things I have done.

In this allotted span of time I can only sing my song; wholly and completely.

3 responses to “So what are you doing?..”

  1. Faith Newton Avatar
    Faith Newton

    I love this. You are so right to measure time in precious moments shared rather than a list of things done. Thanks for sharing.

  2. Morwenna Sanders Avatar

    Jenny you write so beautifully and articulate things I feel but haven’t shaped into clear thoughts or words.
    “Time fills me.”
    Yes, yes, yes! In a world where being busy seems like a badge of honour, and there is a pressure to list our “doing” without consideration for our “being”. I embrace a slower pace where I am filled by time and not vice versa. Your writing honours and validates those choices I have made.
    Please keep sharing your amazing words because what you write is so observant, insightful and so valuable whilst also being crafted so artfully.
    Thank you! 💖

    1. admin Avatar

      Thank you Morwenna. Keep on living a beautiful slow life and honouring your wise choices. Big love xx

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