September Incantation

I’m a little behind with posting this one. Viruses and general life twists and turns have slowed me down! No bother. This ‘spell’/ incantation works for me just as well today as last month, especially as I write this under the thrumming of dense rain on the roof and the wild autumn wind pestering the clouds.

Speak it to your favourite autumn companion, or quietly in your heart, and enjoy being spellbound in the spectacle of the season.

Speak to me of emptying skies,

Of harvest moons and quieting eaves.

Sing to me of a crimson fruit,

Of a ripening nut and curling leaves.


Hold me inside the summer’s gasp,

With the fairy stools and the conker king

Dance with me through the dragonfly land

And touch me once more with the butterfly’s wing


Watch with me Earth tip from the sun

And duskily head on its ceaseless round.

September glides in on moth wing beats

               And lullabies us     Spellbound.



mushroom, amanita, moss-3051519.jpg
Image from Pixabay

4 responses to “September Incantation”

  1. Francesca Braschi Avatar
    Francesca Braschi

    Very beautiful, Jen. Thank-you!

  2. Morwenna Sanders Avatar
    Morwenna Sanders


  3. Ginny Short Avatar
    Ginny Short

    So good to hear your words again

  4. Heidi Avatar

    Crikey Jen, that’s so beautiful.

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