Category: Wild BS9

  • Wolf Moon and Winter Secrets


    Regular readers will know by now that I love winter. Winter skies are astonishingly beautiful and any BS9-ers will have been treated to some sensational morning/evening skies these past few days, including the wolf moon last night. One of the other things I appreciate this season for, however, is the way we sometimes get to…

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  • Species Spotlight: Sandpiper


    Another autumn day, another trip down to the mouth of the Trym. Poor timing for spotting waders as the high tide was still incoming and the mud banks largely covered. Still, I walked slowly around the Trym, passed the surfing mallards under the bridge, and was rewarded by my first local sighting of two sandpipers,…

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  • Species Spotlight: Redshank


    Summer has gone, but no-one seems to have told September. It felt more like spring than autumn on this sunny equinox day, as I headed down to the banks of the Avon at low tide to see what the waders were up to. Too soon for many winter arrivals, or at least there were no…

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  • June Nature Notes 21


    The abundance of nature is intoxicating as we glide through the halfway point of the year. Wild and cultivated flowers sing from every patch of land and greenery triumphs towards the sky. Whether we look in the air, in the waterways, on the ground or bury our faces in the velvet kiss of a blooming…

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  • Late Spring Flora


    Bristol has many beautiful woodlands in and around it. My local patch in BS9 contains Southside Wood which has its fair share of spring wonder. Today’s post concentrates on the ground level plants and flowers at this damp and slowly warming time… (Don’t forget to scroll down for today’s star sighting). As the trees yield…

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  • The Little Black Month and the Great Grey Heron


    It is February. The days are still short and the weather can be drab or brute. But look closer and you can see the embers in the dark. There are more buds, more birdsong, more green shoots, and jewels of early flowers pitting the murk of soggy soil and sad grasses. See the woodpigeons confirming…

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  • The morning star


    At the moment, here in the UK, Venus is glorious in the morning sky. She hangs in the south easterly dawn like a little baby moon and is well worth seeking out. You don’t even have to get up particularly early – I tend to catch her between 7 and 8am, though obviously the darker…

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