Category: Tiny Moments

  • Element

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    We find ourselves in this strange betwixt time. Not quite spring but no longer the huddle of winter. It’s a time when you can leave the house into a shock of sunshine, or an icy shower. You can throw the windows open and breathe in the fragrance of emergent blooms or shut them tight against…

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  • What would it be like?


    As we approach Christmas; this season of joy – and obligations, demands, costs, hassle, pressure, tensions and potential conflict – I wonder how much we allow ourselves to ask for what we actually, authentically want? This one is for those of you on the unforgiving treadmill, those feeling oppressed or burnt out or simply unappreciated.…

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  • September Incantation


    I’m a little behind with posting this one. Viruses and general life twists and turns have slowed me down! No bother. This ‘spell’/ incantation works for me just as well today as last month, especially as I write this under the thrumming of dense rain on the roof and the wild autumn wind pestering the…

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  • Why I write poems


    Poetry is more than lines of text. It can give you deep satisfaction, offer a dwelling place for your secret fears, make you feel understood and less alone, increase your joy by naming it, and vicariously set your self soaring. Writing it is more than a creative outlet, although that is important enough in itself.…

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  • Lilac-Lore


    As I gaze in the mirror at my five month untouched hair, I see a shock of grey and neglected, uncouth tresses reflected back at me. For some reason a line from ‘I Love these Things’ by F W Harvey comes unbidden to mind: ” And I would bend not break: Learn Lilac-lore, and as…

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  • Rain, School Run


    So, it is March, and with it have arrived storms which have brought down trees in the woods behind our house, carried off plastic greenhouses and unsheathed marquees in neighbouring gardens! The energy and mischief of March is upon us, and we can weather the rough climes better for the omnipresent promise of longer days,…

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  • Heart


    On this Valentine’s day, with the winds billowing around our hill and buffeting the trees, my heart has flown with the herring gulls as they play and glide and swoop and drift with the airborne currents above our house. Yes there are tiny woodland and winged romances occurring everywhere if you begin to look, but…

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  • January Sunset


    Often the most stunning moments are the ones that are not searched for, but that catch you unawares. The ones you almost mourn before they are past, and that stamp themselves exquisitely on your heart’s memory. We looked back, over our shoulders And saw, in the east, a neon sun  Flooding the clouds with the…

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  • Redwing


    Whilst I have a vast appreciation for the regular daily wild visitors to my garden, there is nothing like the illicit (by lockdown standards) thrill of an unexpected guest! We can have no visitors, Isolation is our medicine And friends must keep distance Behind the blue flicker of a screen  Or the jitter of a…

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  • A Haiku for lockdown


    There is no shortage of words on our current predicament and this third lockdown, so this is short and sweet, in the form of a haiku. I, wistful, wait To throw wide the forlorn door And say ‘Come In’

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