Category: Local Wilding

  • Wild&Well: Nature Connection. Session 4 – Sharing The Journey

    Pathway to Nature Connection of Compassion The pathway to nature connection through compassion is about relating to the natural world with awe and wonder, and seeking understanding of the more than human life, which fosters an empathetic relationship with the world, prompts nature and climate friendly actions, and is a source of inspiration and creativity.…

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  • Spring Secrets

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    Spring Secrets

    from What To Look For In Spring A Ladybird Nature Book By the end of February many signs of Spring have already appeared and, as the days grow longer, the hearts of country dwellers are stirred to renewed wonder at the swelling of buds and the sight of the early blossoms of hazel, willow, alder…

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  • Pine Marten Positivity

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    By the turn of the last century, pine martens were as good as extinct in England. Loss of woodland habitat and hunting caused the dramatic decline in numbers until by the late 1800s they were no longer to be found in Gloucestershire. There were fewer than 20 individuals surviving in England’s depleting woodlands. The cousin…

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