Ashes (Or a covert love song)

photo of flames

This November bonfire season brings thoughts of fire, sparks, storms, grief and what it means to be free. Whatever that means to you, I hope you find the love song in the dark.

Ashes (Or a covert love song)

The evening settles on the mantle sky
Like a long ago argument
   Corpse mauve
   Dead load
The heft of day carried by the dusk.

You carry your work hearse on your shoulder
Down streets that stalk you 
   Like a stranger
   Sham danger
To the anaesthetic of your hearth.

And the question keeps speaking
Voicing its insistent truth
   Do not pause to let it rise
   Keep it tight inside
The coffin of your dreams.

Oh do not ask What is it?
Do not admit the light
Carry on
The ordained song
Embalm this ordered plight.

The phoenix lives on hope and imagination
He sleeps on fears and the ash of dreams
   Joy’s glint
   Spark’s flint
sits beneath the grind with novel wings 

Do not feed him with gifts of delight
Do not speak to him of dreams
   Freedom shifts
   Kindness lifts
Shackle him among the ashes

   With all the lies.
fire, fireplace, wood-3014135.jpg

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