
Gentlewild was born from a deep love of the more than human world, a desire to connect and share this with others, to live lightly on this earth, and help you to do the same.

GentleWild Jen

I am GentleWild Jen; therapist, poet and nature enthusiast. Words and wild things heal me, and I want to share this with you.


I hold a qualification in Ecopsychology and Nature-based Practice from The Natural Academy. I am also a therapist of 20+ years in the NHS and independent sector. An active member of Sustainable Thornbury, British Trust for Ornithology, Bristol Avon and Rivers Trust and on the South Glos Climate and Nature Emergency Steering Group.

I write in the hope that as you go about your own beautiful and precious day, you too will notice the shimmering treasure of tiny moments punctuating the everyday tasks you undertake. Notice, savour, and in the gentleness of the commonplace and ordinary, be glad.
