The morning star

At the moment, here in the UK, Venus is glorious in the morning sky. She hangs in the south easterly dawn like a little baby moon and is well worth seeking out. You don’t even have to get up particularly early – I tend to catch her between 7 and 8am, though obviously the darker the sky the brighter she shines.

I have attempted a photo for illustration, but I don’t have a good camera, nor indeed any skill, so don’t trust to the picture but see it for yourself. You won’t be disappointed.

One response to “The morning star”

  1. Poppy Avatar

    One I think you gave a beautiful picture and that is all that matters.
    Two I HAVE seen it and its EXACTLY like you said.
    Three for anyone how looks at the picture zoom in and you’ll find a tiny blob of white that’s Venus.

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